March 5, 2024
Hello Landowners,
Spring is finally here! We would like to give you an update on the progress over the last couple of months, we have recovered 3 properties and working diligently to take care of the issues presented to us during the last annual meeting. Even though sometimes progress is slow we are doing our best to make sure that the progress does not stall. To help us with this process we asked that everyone continue to keep their yards neat, clean, and cut.
This is tornado season, look out and be prepared to go to a shelter for safety.
We are still having a problem with speeders throughout Cedar Point. Reminder the speed limit is 10mph. There are no warnings given for speeding. There are several security cameras throughout Cedar Point. You are responsible for your guests, please let them know the speed limit, or you will receive a fine on their behalf.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be held on April 20th. We will start serving food at 12pm with the annual meeting starting shortly thereafter. For this year’s meeting we will have barbecue, live music, cornhole, and a TV raffle. Which will be after the annual meeting. Topics to discuss will include animals, water issues, and progress going forward. We will have an orderly meeting. We will not allow outburst talking without having the floor. Anyone who tries to interrupt or has disorderly conduct will be asked to leave.
Cedar Point now has a website for landowners to keep up with current news, report maintenance issues, and contact the Cedar Point office. The website is as follows:
We are still having issues with high water bills. For the month of February our water bill was over $5,000.00. We are asking that you please take care of or report any water leaks. This will also be discussed further at the annual meeting.
Quote of the Month
“Progress takes time and discipline.”
-Ronnie Coleman
Thank You,
Cedar Point Board of Directors